Handbook of Diet and Nutrition in the Menstrual Cycle Periconception and Fertility

Handbook of Diet and Nutrition in the Menstrual Cycle Periconception and Fertility

Handbook of Diet and Nutrition in the Menstrual Cycle Periconception and Fertility


The reproductive cycle in women is complex and can be considered to begin with epigenetic programming and ending with menopause. Intervening steps involve a variety of processes, including the cellular development of the sex organs, menarche, episodic endocrine cycles, menstruation, ovulation and conception. These processes can be influenced by diet and nutrition and vice versa. Body composition has an impact on the menstrual cycle and periconception and these factors in turn also influence body composition. Similarly, either food deprivation, dietary excess or obesity can result in marked changes in the menstrual cycle with a concomitant effect on fertility.

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